Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Have you ever heard of a slanket?

Do you get cold sitting at the computer or on the couch watching tv or in the chair reading a book? If you answer yes to this question, then I have the perfect thing for you. It's called the Slanket ! Apparently it's the best blanket EVER!

It looks like a robe, but it's a blanket that you can wear with armholes. You don't need to worry about the cold air coming in, because there's no chance this slanket will fall off of you like a regular blanket.

Would you buy one?


Anonymous said...

The slanket looks pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

yes i would certainly buy a slanket. Not necessarily for me but certainly for my wife, she loves curling up infront of the fire with a blanket in the Winter. Its christmas soon so i will be sure to get a pink or green one for her then.