Monday, July 28, 2008

Tully's Sweet Matcha Powder

Since my favorite Matcha Tea place Koots closed in Lincoln Square, I have to resort to Tully's or Starbucks for my Green Tea fix. Compared to Koots, Starbucks and Tully's Green Tea Latte's are no good, but they do the trick. Personally I like Starbucks, better than Tully's because the flavor is more rich. They never put enough matcha in the Tully's latte's.

The other day I was in Tully's waiting for my green tea latte, so I decided to browse their merchandise. I came across a small tin of sweet matcha powder. All you have to add is milk and ice cubes if you perfer and stir. Wallllaaa, you have a green tea latte (probably 10 or 15 drinks) for almost the price of one drink at Tully's.

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